Thursday, June 30, 2011

transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide

images Dark of the Moon Optimus Prime transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide. 2011 SENTINEL PRIME AND

  • factoryman
    06-14 03:46 PM
    This is a fit case, where you have send him back a question - what do you mean by that?

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  • custody of Sentinel Prime,

  • amsgc
    05-13 11:17 PM
    So what are they busy doing right now? Which cases are they processing - care to share?

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  • The Transformers DOTM Facebook

  • ushkand
    09-20 11:29 AM
    First off, the chances of you being denied an H1 renewal are zero to none unless ofcourse you or your attorney made a error on your application (incorrect fees etc).

    For argument purposes, if your H1 is denied you could always fall back on your EAD. Denial of H1 does not invalidate your I-485 as long as your "JOB" is still present. Now your entire status is dependent on your AOS application. If you AOS (485) is denied you would have to leave the country.

    If your H1 is renewed, you can stay in the US for the entire period of its validity even if your I-485 application is rejected/denied.

    As always, take all advice given on a message board with a grain of salt and consult an attorney.

    2011 custody of Sentinel Prime, transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide. LEADER CLASS SENTINEL PRIME

  • gcfriend65
    12-18 09:18 AM
    Gurus, please help. Can anybody throw some light on why my LUD has changed on I-485. Could it be because of name clearance.


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  • I#39;m sure Sentinel Prime could

  • anilsal
    12-15 09:10 PM
    Is it worthwhile to ask these Indian philantropists with enough dough to fund efforts like IV? Or are they going to give a blind eye?

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  • Dark of the Moon Book

  • HV000
    03-20 10:14 PM
    Thank you all for your comments!


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  • and Sentinel Prime die in

  • larmani
    07-20 07:13 PM
    Donald Freiberg(San Jose) is also good

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  • Dark of the Moon Optimus Prime

  • fumeng
    06-08 05:11 PM
    yeah, you're right. my site is almost 3 years old now -- time for an update.




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  • Transformers: Dark of the

  • desi3933
    02-09 12:00 PM
    I am changing my job on H1B. I have I-140 approved with present company. What documents do I need to have to keep my old priority date? I have copy of I-140 approval notice. Do I need to have copy of labor certification as well?

    copy of I-140 approval notice

    Not a legal advice.

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  • when was sentinel prime ever

  • jerrygreat
    11-25 09:09 PM
    Hello, All buddies:

    My case is a little special:
    After my wife (H-1B) filed I-140/I-485, I got EAD in Dec 2006, and I (H4)started to work by using EAD from Jan 2, 2007. On May 10, 2007, we received I-140/I485 denial letter. we filed a reopen and reconsideration for I-140 denial. I was still using that EAD for work (it is vaild from Dec 2006-Dec 2007) during that time. In November 27. 2007, I changed my visa from H4=>H1.(I was not being asked by USCIS to go aborad for re-stamping H1, anyway it is approved). The USCIS denied our Reopen and Reconsideration for I-140 again later in March 2008.

    Now the comany sponsor me to apply for EB2 green card.

    Usaually, when using EAD, your status is AOS, and when I-140/I485 denied,
    you lose your status. In my case, from May 10-Nov 27, I maybe already lose
    my status. however, H4=>H1 is OK without any problem.

    My question
    I worried that in the future, in the stage of waiting for I-485 approval, does USCIS can find out that I have the above problem between May 10-Nov 27, (it is over 180 days)?!
    --However, during that period, I have a I-140 reopen and reconsideration case pending?--does this mean legally staying in US? (even it denied again later)
    If this is a problem, do I had better go home country/re-entry US once to clean these mess?
    However, I am over 180 days, is that possible that I can not come back?

    Thank you very much in advance.



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  • Optimus Prime - Peterbilt

  • keljnr
    08-18 11:11 AM
    hmnnn....i could be interested.

    Please read this post (

    Its a post that i started...if ya wana work on something similar, let us know.

    kind regards

    hot I#39;m sure Sentinel Prime could transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide. Transformers 3, Dark of
  • Transformers 3, Dark of

  • techysingh
    01-09 09:41 AM
    If new position is similar in responsibilities, then no effect. but if the responsibilities are changing, I would recommend talking to your immigration lawyer about it


    house of Transformers: Dark of transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide. DA02 Sentinel Prime
  • DA02 Sentinel Prime

  • jthomas
    04-17 12:07 AM
    Can't avoid anything that future hold for you.

    1. It would be good if the employer does not let USCIS know about your layoff.
    2. don't apply for unemployment benifits even if you are given one (at least for 180 days from I-140 approval).
    3. Hoping your employer does not revoke your I-140
    4. Take a 3 months unpaid vacation at the same job and/or offer help by working from home. Accept a lower salary for 180 days.

    tattoo Dark of the Moon Book transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide. Transformers: Dark of the
  • Transformers: Dark of the

  • Sri_
    09-24 12:59 PM
    Few SSA offices do allow to submit application for SSN few days before 10/01. But few of them donot allow and suggests to come on or after 10/01.

    So just give a try. But request them if they were able to find your information in the system. Few offices, though they donot find in the system, they take the application but few of them say that they could not find the information in the system and will suggest to come back again.



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  • a new Transformers: Dark

  • andy garcia
    11-19 11:59 AM
    Does anyone know if there would be some kind of record about
    when and how many times we have spoken to the IIO.

    Like will a IIO be able to look at one's receipt# and say if they have spoken to an IIO earlier that day or whenever that is?

    Thank you.

    Every time that they talk to you, they log the date of that conversation.

    dresses Transformers 3, Dark of transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • webm
    04-09 03:45 PM
    Yes, since you are a new filer,fiiling seperately then fee is $340.00


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  • of Transformers: Dark of

  • captain_insano
    05-25 10:33 AM
    Choose Option (B)

    girlfriend Transformers: Dark of the transformers dark of the moon sentinel prime kills ironhide. for Transformers: Dark of
  • for Transformers: Dark of

  • Prashanthi
    03-26 05:49 PM
    Should not be a problem, your wife can work for another company, you can work part time for another company as long as you are working for the petitioner also.


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  • (Transformers: Dark of the

  • softcrowd
    04-11 08:00 PM
    I had this experience in the past...when my H1 Extension is applied sometime back, they gave me a new i-94 number (probably due to an error)....however, when I left the country for a vacation, I stapled & returned both I-94's as per my attorney's suggestion (through my emp)...

    In any case, please retain a copy of the same....

    03-08 10:25 AM
    Hi Everyone,
    I did not get back any responses. So I am posting it again. Can someone please advice?
    My PD is EB2March 2005.
    My position titles are not same though the job is similar.
    My salary is 35% more
    Please advice if it is too risky to file for AC21

    There has been many discussions about AC21. Please search for them and read.

    If you have a job in same/similar you should be OK.

    There is no form or application to fill. Some prefer to inform USCIS but not a requirement.

    With your priority date, why don't you wait for end of this fiscal year to see if your GC gets approved.

    ABC of GC
    04-03 01:34 PM
    Hi Everyone,

    For my I-140 (Premium Processing) USCIS's website is showing that they have sent a mail requesting more information on March 27th. Does anyone konw how long it takes to get to the lawyer's office? Para-legal at my lawyer's office told me that it takes about 14 days for that to reach them.

    At the same time she told me that they give 30 days (she was not sure) to respond.

    Can anyone please confirm this.

    Thank you,

    ABC of GC

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