Thursday, June 30, 2011

mary j blige album cover

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  • DesiGuy
    09-11 07:11 AM
    3 more co-sponsors added, the total is now 31.:)

    Also noticed only 8 Republicans v/s/ 23 Dems.

    Although number of republicans so-sponsoring is lower, it's still 25% of the total so there is hope that more will support it when it comes to voting. ;)

    Rep. Zoe Lofgren [D-CA]hide cosponsors
    Cosponsors [as of 2008-09-10]
    Rep. Neil Abercrombie [D-HI]
    Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR]
    Rep. Michael Capuano [D-MA]
    Rep. John Carter [R-TX]
    Rep. Henry Cuellar [D-TX]
    Rep. Artur Davis [D-AL]
    Rep. Thomas Davis [R-VA]
    Rep. Lloyd Doggett [D-TX]
    Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA]
    Rep. Gabrielle Giffords [D-AZ]
    Rep. Wayne Gilchrest [R-MD]
    Rep. Raul Grijalva [D-AZ]
    Rep. Michael Honda [D-CA]
    Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee [D-TX]
    Rep. Doris Matsui [D-CA]
    Rep. Michael McCaul [R-TX]
    Rep. James Moran [D-VA]
    Rep. Sue Myrick [R-NC]
    Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY]
    Rep. Grace Napolitano [D-CA]
    Rep. Edward Pastor [D-AZ]
    Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA]
    Rep. Linda S�nchez [D-CA]
    Rep. Loretta Sanchez [D-CA]
    Rep. James Sensenbrenner [R-WI]
    Rep. Peter Sessions [R-TX]
    Rep. John Shadegg [R-AZ]
    Rep. Jackie Speier [D-CA]
    Rep. Fortney Stark [D-CA]
    Rep. Melvin Watt [D-NC]
    Rep. David Wu [D-OR]

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  • chanukya
    07-01 11:28 AM

    Guys this is a revision to the July Visa Bulletin. Meaning, even if the revision happens on July 29th to the July Visa Bulletin, it holds good for entire july.
    This is not August bulletin.

    Looks like people have misconception, that if their file goes to USCIS on July 2nd and visa bulletin is revised on July 3rd or later date, then they are safe. It is not so.
    If at all if there is a change to the August bulletin it holds good for August and not to July bulletin.

    Pls let me know if my understanding is wrong

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  • Here is some Mary cover art

  • gc_lover
    06-29 08:28 PM
    Suppose they reject the 485 app on July 2nd after they receive it then will they cash our checks or just return them to us.

    No...I don't think they will encash your check!

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  • stuck_here
    01-24 06:59 AM
    can you please let everyone know when was your H1 approved? (that will help decide the pattern for passport delay due to PIMS..)

    My H1 extension and transfer to a new employer was approved around Feb 2007 and validity is between mar 2007 and feb 2010.

    So did you guys notice a pattern here ?


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  • rockrocky
    10-01 12:35 PM
    Since 2004 EB2 is cleared, I am seeing less number of posts being made on IV.Yay I became a senior member, will that mean I will get a green card?

    Try becoming a Donor and see if you get GC. :-)

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  • Picture 22 Mary J. Blige Sheds Single Tear For Her Album Cover

  • jayleno
    11-07 07:55 PM
    I just got a response back from TSC. They attached my letter, the envolope I sent the letter in and a response.

    The response is a standard one...."Thank you for your recent enquiry to the NCSC...blah blah...blah". No mention of AC-21, 140 etc. I dont know what to make of it. Same for my wife's letter.

    Well...atleast we know it reached them :).


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  • with Mary J. Blige and

  • snram4
    01-30 12:04 PM
    You have chance of winning lawsuit if they reject you just based on immigration status. But in USA the employment is at will basis. Both employer and employee can take that option. Last year when I got offer letter that was specified in first page that this employment is at will basis. Lawsuits are more expensive. Generally lawyers will share the benefits of compensation if they take the case freely

    now ford, gm, capitalone and I'll post mine when i hear about the explanation from legal.

    i dont know if u can sue without much written proof, or if they refused to interview you. but if you do have an interview etc., and some written proof, we may have something

    a class action lawsuit ? if a lawsuit is expensive i am sure there are some lawyers who take on cases either probono or we all pool in our money and do something...

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  • vikki76
    10-12 12:45 AM
    Thanks for such informative post KewlChap.
    My case is pending with IO since Sept 15th and there are no updates officially from USCIS. My question is- what should I ask IO through POJ method on phone? They just tell me to wait.
    Should I directly ask "what is status of my application"- tried that once and then was told to wait.

    Got the email about being registered as a new permanent resident on Oct 8th. Thanks to SoP, caliguy, fatjoe and all others on the forum who helped / gave me support. I essentially learned that USCIS will not move quickly on their own, they need to be pursued just like any other govt. office in India. I give my time line below for an idea of what I did. If anyone is waiting still, I sincerely think that you should do all of POJ/SR/Infopass/Senator/Ombudsman.


    Sept 1st - became current
    Sept 5th - contacted NSC several times through POJ. Finally, a very nice lady told me that my case was not even assigned to an officer. Said that she will send in a request to the contractor to pull my case out and get it assigned to an officer.
    Sept 11th - Case pulled out of storage area and moved to a smaller waiting room [got this info later, but this is what had happened]
    Sept 13th: Opened SR.
    Sept 18th - Infopass: Told me that my case was assigned to an officer on Sept 11th (which was wrong really) and that I should wait 30 days. Also told me that my FP were renewed on March 9th and all my checks were clear.
    Sept 20th: Contacted Senator's office. Said they will send in inquiry.
    Sept 25: Response to SR. Case under review. Wait 30 days.
    Sept 27th: Letter from Senator saying my case was under review and I need to wait 30 days.
    Oct 2nd: Contacted NSC again through POJ method. A nice lady, Terry, told me that my case was assigned to officer on Sept 30th. She said, "your case was pulled out of storage and put in a rather large holding area where it was till Sept 30th." Also confirmed that my FP was renewed and other checks were clear. Said, just wait, it will happen soon.
    Oct 6th: Sent 7001 form to USCIS Ombudsman.
    Oct 8th: Got decision email.

    Learnings: Pursue your case as much as you can. Call NSC, but be polite. They are usually in good mood on Thu/Friday evenings and if you make some small talk, they will help you. I kept records of which NSC IO is rude and if they picked up the next time, I would just keep the phone down. In fact, the lady who helped me remembered me 'coz I managed to reach her 3 times. Dont just ask for status, say that you have called in the past and so far you know xxxx about your case. Some IOs are nice, some are rude. Nice ones actually tried to explain the entire storage area, holding area, supervisor supply chain to me. I think I kind of understand the process that happens at NSC just through these conversations now. Approach Ombudsman asap with form 7001. Call your Senator office and ask to speak to the immigration person. They are very understanding and will help you.

    Long-ish email, but thought that I will put it out there, and it might help someone stuck in this morass. If you need more info, ask me / PM me. I will be around these forums for some more time.


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  • grupak
    03-25 03:33 PM
    Those that have been effected by this EAD discrimination, file a complaint with the govt. Otherwise why are we here in IV asking for multi-year EAD?

    So what if EAD has to be renewed. GC also has a expiry date now. Next we will be asked to provide medical history to make sure we do not fall sick at work. EAD renewal is an inconvenience that the employer need NOT worry about.

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  • pbuckeye
    04-01 10:35 AM
    Who is a freeloader ? (Say) you started contributing $25 per month 3 months back, contributed $75 till date and I have contributed $200 till date towards two specific drive .... so a person contributing $75 calls a person contributing $200 as a freeloader !!!

    I agree. Lets not start using negative terms. People have been contributing in ways they see fit (providing info, answering questions and one-time or recurring donations).

    Having said that, IV has put the donor forums in place for a reason and has already explained the rationale behind them, so there is no point in revisiting that over and over again.


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  • drirshad
    01-26 06:12 PM

    01/26/2005: Good News for Visa Movement

    * AILA has reported the DOS advised AILA that "thanks? to" the decrease in demand for EB visa numbers from USCIS I-485 cases and 245(i) labor cases still being held in the Department of Labor, the visa number would progress forward as follows:

    o Worldwide EB-1 and EB-2: There will be no cut-off date for the these categories.
    o Worldwide EB-3: Unlike the DOS previous prediction that the large number of 245(i) filings would be filed during March and April 2001 and it would result in a surge of EB-3 number demand and would limit movement of the cut-off date, 245(i) cases still remain at the DOL and therefore there will be movement in EB-3 visa numbers.
    o India EB-1 and EB-2: It will continue a rapid movement for the next several months.
    o India EB-3: It will move ahead but may become limited down the road.
    o China EB-1 and EB-2: It will continue a rapid movement for the next several months.
    o China EB-3: It will stay at the Worldwide date.

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  • lazycis
    10-18 02:04 PM
    OK, follow the link to get detailed information about the FBI/USCIS name check.


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  • bomber
    06-29 06:27 PM
    At the cost of being bombarded by every one in this forum,
    if the VB bulletin is indeed "retrogressed" to Pre madness - back to what was supposed to be the next jump from June 2003 (perhaps 6 months or more for EB3 and 2005 for EB2), this would actually be a good thing in my opinion.

    What they did by making the VB current is going to have serious consequences a few months down the line. People who have been waiting for years may still not get their turn in line, while others simply jump ahead and take away the visa numbers. People are excited at the short term benefits of EAD/AP but we must look at the long term effects also.

    I believe (and im entitled to my own beliefs ) that if anything, USCIS/DOS have actually finally figured out their mistake of making everything current and are now back tracking to what would be a decent situation instead of the floodgates being opened. I dont believe it has anything to do with conspiracy theories or CIR or any such thing.

    And btw - i would be one of those people who spent money to get ready for the floodgates and i would also be one of those that gets stuck!

    What you said could be true but only if they move the dats back like you mentioned. would show utter inefficiency if they make them all U.

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  • sri1309
    03-10 10:51 AM
    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    Good morning!! With reference to your previous e mail talking about "living in US for 5 years, pay taxes and get a green card". Also, " living in US for 10 years get a citizenship". It reminds me that a few days ago, from the other forum, I see someone talking about the bill "HR264", there is several items in this bill. However, there is only one section in this bill mentioned about "granting green card to people who have stayed in US for 5 years or more". I do believe the chance to pass this bill is very very small because right now the economic recession is so deep that no one knows when it will be recovered.

    Also, I know some people who have won the diversity visa lottery and get the immigrant visa to US to be the permanent resident and then stayed in US for another 5 years and get the citizenship.

    But some people (for example like my situation) who have stayed in US and fully paid foreign student tuition fees as a foreign student for 10 years (6 years in several degrees then graduate and then back home and then come back to US to study another advanced degree for 4 years and total 10 years as foreign student) still cannot get the green card. After I finish my doctorate degree, I got a company sponsored me the H-1B visa but the quota is full and I pack all things back to my home country until now. So I just wonder when will "granting green card to people who have stayed in US for 5 years"and whether it will be true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I wonder whether this 5 years only for people who have worked here for 5 years in
    H-1B visa or not?????????

    Good luck to all of you and thanks for everyone's attention!!

    Sad to see how much you had to struggle, but I know and I'm one of them who are here for close to 10 years and paid taxes etc.. If 100,000 of us make the right noise, then we may be heard.
    As someone here is saying, following a GC step before Citizenship makes BS to me. You have done whats needed to be a citizen (dont go by the book, doesnt even appear there is one). They have delayed it for no fault of applicants. So this is the way to correct it.
    Lets say I am 10th grade student who invented a cure for cancer. Will you oppose if MIT gives me a hon. Doctorate. That may be an extreme example but what we are asking for is something much smaller and well-deserved. After 10-15 years, the only rule should be to look at the paystubs and criminal record. Not which company you worked for or how much you were **ed by X employer. The case must just be yours independent on any employer. PERIOD.
    Current economic situation.. SHOW how you can contribute. There is something called timing,. so THIS is the timing to ask for Citizenship so that you can BUY HOUSES AND START COMPANIES.. and thats how you help America to come out of this.


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  • ohio boy
    09-25 05:09 PM
    As it has been 85 days since my 485 reached in NSC and updates, so I called the 800-375-3283 and transfered to IO, she was very polite and told that now they are taking 120 days to issue receipts. ( fast service)

    As CAA dude post a 800-246-8253 this is Custom #. (lol)

    So they started to say now all we have to wait for another 30 days, there is no other way to get the receipt #, she said call once in a week if u are lucky, u may get ur receipt #,

    yes sending fax, e-mails, create a query this make sence to invistigate the pending application.

    Ok again ur count down starts against 120 days..........

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  • indianabacklog
    10-09 05:08 PM
    Don't bother to ask anything about CP for people just don't care to respond!

    I have tried enough on every forum including this (even whe we need a genuine information and not just predictions).

    No one to be blamed! But relax, there will be a time for CP guys too!

    Maybe people are not responding on the basis that they do not have any knowledge of consular processing.

    I think majority of people on this forum are in the US and are adjusting status. Surely you would not want answers that were wrong or misleading.


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  • sandy_anand
    03-31 10:17 AM
    If it is for applications money, they might as well make it current.
    There are not many applications between Jan2008 and jan2011

    Demand Prior To China India All OtherCountries Grand Total
    January 1, 2006 0 0 0 0
    January 1, 2007 4,200 13,200 0 17,400
    January 1, 2008 9,725 22,950 0 32,675
    January 1, 2011 9,800 23,050 100 32,950

    That's because the existing cases have not had a chance to file their I-485 and therefore are not visible in that report. Does not mean they don't exist. My case is a perfect example of that. I'm not counted in that report but I certainly exist! :-)

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  • rb_248
    10-01 03:32 PM

    How come there is pending cases in 2007, 2008 and 2009 for EB2 and EB3 India?

    From the PDF I see the following

    2007 after july fiasco - 559
    2008 - 178
    2009 - 9


    2007 after july fiasco - 466
    2008 - 88
    2009 - 5

    My understanding is that the visa bulletin were never open for priorty dates from Aug 2007 to till date....EVER..

    I may be missing something..

    I think it is because of cross chargeability. If your spouse's country of birth is not India then you can get charged to your spouses birth country. And therefore can apply for 485 when your spouse's PD is current even when your PD is not current.

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  • prashantkh
    07-09 07:03 PM
    We should send emails to Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Jay Leno, David Letterman, Conan O'Brian, Jimmy Kimmel etc.

    They have tremendous amount of viewership and seems like a perfect material for these shows. I will send email to these guys but if more and more peple can make them aware of this development, this news can potentially snowball. :D

    02-17 10:21 AM
    There was supposed to be some big news coming from IV did not hear anything yet ..............

    01-11 03:32 PM

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