Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tribal Japanese Dragon Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo!

Are you ready to get a new tribal Japanese dragon tattoo? This article will help you with your decision!

Picture this, the first time you go out proudly sporting your new tattoo you come face to face with that identical tattoo on someone else. You just lived your worst nightmare. Creepy, huh? Well, here's the good news, with a little planning you can go a long way towards making sure that never happens.

So here's the thing. When you are researching your tribal Japanese dragon tattoo graphic you are probably going to want to do a Google Image search. You will no doubt find plenty of fine examples for your tattoo; because tribal tattoos are very popular right now. The problem with this method of finding your design is that about a million other people are doing the exact same thing, looking at the exact same images, and carefully picking the same perfect graphic as you. You see the problem, don't you?

To narrow the field then, you should check out some of the pay tribal Japanese dragon tattoo sites. They're not expensive, but the extra step of paying for a service keeps most people from ever even getting into these sites to have a look. Already you are part of a more exclusive group. Not only will you have access to custom graphics that you would not otherwise find on the web but you will find sites that specialize in only tribal tattoos. You can find out what elements of the tattoo are important to you, and in doing this you can really develop a tattoo that is unique to you. And that is the point, after all, isn't it?

So once you commit to ink, do yourself a favor and use the best resources available by visiting some of the pay tribal tattoo sites.

Good luck getting your new tribal Japanese dragon tattoo!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sexy Tattoos - Tattoos For Women is a Growing Trend

Sexy tattoos for women have become quite popular in the past few years. Beautiful tattoos have been around since men and women first began walking on the earth. Tattoos were a symbol of bravery, or a sign of the god that they believed in. Some feminine tattoo designs may even tell a short story, or could be a bloodline. There are many things tattoos could represent in today's society. They are still used in many tribal activities today.

Many women think that they are very sexy. A women is never too old to get small cute tattoos; one woman was 62 years old when she got her very first one. Most women choose to have their feminine tattoo designs printed on one of their breast, or around the ankles, however, other women like for it to go on their lower back or the stomach area just above their bikini line.

Beautiful Tattoos

Many women like beautiful tattoos so much that they have tattoos all over their bodies; but take it from a guy, too many tattoos on a woman takes away from their natural beauty, however, a few small feminine tattoos do look very good, especially if they say something that lets a man know what she wants. Such as, a tattoo on the abdomen that says, "The fun starts here", and has an arrow that points down.

Sexy tattoos for women are much better to have if they are colored in, more than a tattoo that has no color at all. There are thousands of sexy tattoos for women not only at the tattoo studio, but you can find many beautiful ones online. Once you find the one that you feel is perfect for you, you can save the picture in your documents, print it out on your printer, and take it to the studio. The artist should not have any trouble transferring the print to you.

Small Cute Tattoos

Small cute tattoos can be pictures of a girl's favorite animal, or even something mystical; it could even be of something that has a particular meaning to them. There are many mystical creatures that supposedly have mystical properties by wearing one. Such feminine tattoo designs, as a gold fish, or an ankh, even fairies and wizards. Symbols are also a very popular item for small feminine tattoos.

After your new beautiful tattoos has been imprinted on your arm, of course, the artist will tell you to keep it clean, and this is very important. If proper care is not taken, the tattoo could become infected. If you feel abnormal pain, or more pain than you think you should, or if there is an increase in swelling, more than likely it has become infected. This is not due to the artist using a bad needle or anything like that, it just happens. Just like getting a piercing sometimes it becomes infected. You can use a good antibiotic cream to help keep your tattoos clean, this should be applied as soon as you get home. A little preventive medicine will help keep the tattoo from becoming infected.

No matter which feminine tattoo designs you decide to choose, tattooed women can be proud to have a few on their body. Sexy tattoos for women will continue to be very popular.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Find Cultural Significance in Butterfly Tattoo Designs

If you ask a woman what tattoo she would like to get or what she already has, the answer you are most likely to get is butterflies. Many ladies like butterfly tattoo designs because they can personalize it to the way they want it to be and it is elegant and feminine. They can be of any size and just about anywhere on the body, so women tend to go for butterfly tattoo designs because they have such a variety to choose from and because they are so popular but in their own way.

These tattoo designs bespeak femininity. The butterfly is an insect, but in this case and theme people would classify it as a creature. This is a creature that can be whimsical, sexy and flirty. Well, this depends where on your body you would like to have the tattoo done and also how you would like the tattoo depicted.

Many people look at butterfly tattoos simply as a way of expressing themselves. It can also be some kind of embodiment of a certain cultural meaning. If you take the Greek for example, they believe that when a caterpillar sheds the cocoon and comes out as a butterfly, a human soul is released into the world.

Depending how you look at it, butterflies may symbolize birth, and a person having one on their body could be rediscovering herself and/or starting a new life. A perfect example is a new life with a new born baby, a new life being married, or a new life out of marriage.

In the Mexican and Japanese cultures butterflies and butterfly tattoos are a symbol of love, youth, grace and joy, and these are wonderful representations of life. Ancient people on the other hand viewed the butterfly insect as a symbol of a person's soul. Other cultures believed the butterfly being a spirit guide to a neverworld.

Despite the culture, these colorful insects are viewed as characteristic and magical of human imagination. This also applies to the butterfly tattoo designs of these creatures.

Choosing the right tattoo designs from the many butterfly tattoo designs can be a very tough task, because there are around 20,000 types in the world. Now all these are represented via ink, though, but there are quite a few butterfly designs floating around. The right tattoo will be there, and if you know what you are looking for then you don't have to look too hard. It is said that if there is enough importance behind the tattoo and it truly symbolizes something in your life, it will be looking out for you instead of you looking out for it.

Once you have been through all the butterfly tattoo designs and you have come across the perfect one, you have to decide if you want the tattoo seen or if you want it to be intimate. Your shoulder, ankle and lower back are perfect places if you want to show it off. If you want to keep it intimate, the best and perfect butterfly tattoo designs can be tattooed on the buttocks, along the bikini line or on the breasts.

Back Tribal Tattoos For Men - Finding the Best Designs For You!

Back tribal tattoos for men can be one of the sexiest tattoos a man can get. Whether you want an upper, lower, or full back tribal design you can be sure to find your perfect match. Before you jump in the car and head to the tattoo parlor know which tattoos you are interested in first. Browsing through pictures and catalogs of back tribal tattoos for men can help you get an idea of the back designs available for your back.

One of the more popular back tribal tattoos for men is the upper back tattoo. This style of tribal will usually stretch from one shoulder to the other and go down to the bottom of the shoulder blades. You can place any design you want her but the most common seen has swirls and interlocking tribal. Your tattoo shoulder be unique though so if you find a picture of a design you like, think of something you want to add or modify about it to make it your own. This tattoo is also great because it is easily covered for work or school purposes.

Back tribal tattoos for men can also come in the full back tattoo. This design is pretty self explanatory as it covered the entire back from the bottom of the neck to the small of your back. The design options here are simply endless as you have such a huge space to work with. This style is also good if you have a more upscale job because your back is easily covered by work shirts. This option will of course cost you much more money than that of an upper or lower back tattoo, and will sometimes take more than one visit to the parlor to complete.

One of the least common back tribal tattoos for men is the lower back tattoo. Typically this design is more fitted for females, but there are a select group of men who can get them and pull them off. This design is better known as a "tramp stamp" so men tend to veer away from this option.

However, if you are interested in this design be sure you get one that fits your style and personality. Try enlisting the help of your tattoo artist to draw up a lower back tattoo that works for you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

How to Understand the Spirituality of Angel Tattoo Designs

Among the most popular tattoo designs are the angel tattoo designs. Whether the angel inscribed on the tattoo enthusiast's body is in whole or in part, there are many reasons why the angel tattoo design has achieved the esteemed status it now possesses. Among the most enduring motifs in the tattoo industry, the angel design has several important symbolic elements that make it an option that more and more tattoo enthusiasts are enjoying.

Traditionally, the angel tattoo design is used to symbolize various virtues, one of which is spirituality. In mythology, the angel is a creature often associated with the god. Because of this, it is one of the most fitting design motifs for people who are into spirituality. In the heart of the hustle and bustle of modern day living, one of the most important stress relievers that many frazzle nerved people are returning to is spirituality.

While not everyone can be religious, and while not everyone can stand by the many edicts and rules of religion, most people recognize the need to center their lives on the spirit simply in order to make it through to another day. The angel tattoo is one of the ways people use for this.

One of the characteristics of the modern world is the loss of the original human contacts. Because of this, a return to inner spirituality is called for, and the angel tattoo is seen as one of the perfect combinations of both modernity and spirituality, embodying a deeper understanding of both what the divine could be and what is lacking and must be compensated for in life in the twenty first century.

Another enduring characteristic of the angel tattoo design is the creative powers of the angel. Again returning to mythology, the angel is one of God's helpers when the time came to create the universe. Because of this, the angel is associated with creativity, and many people are turning to this characteristic of angels today.

For some, the creative symbolism behind the angel motif is an excellent marker for tattoo enthusiasts who want to commemorate their turning over of a new leaf, with the angel as a reminder of the new and the freshly created. For some artists, on the other hand, the angel is a symbol of the creative possibilities of their art or craft.

For others still, the angel tattoo design is the guardian that stands by people in their darkest hour. This is the reason that people who want to commemorate a newly met loved one or an important person that has passed away is through the angel tattoo, to symbolize the guardianship that the person has done or promises to do to the person.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Gemini Tattoos - Hot by Popular Demand

The Gemini tattoo is among the most sought after of the astrological tattoos. For people born between May 22nd and June 23rd, there are very many tattoo designs which are formed around the Gemini theme.

In astrology, Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. The accompanying tattoo revolves around the symbolism of twins, and the concept of duality, with Apollo and Artemis the deity images usually invoked.

Gemini tattoos represent the idea of twins in a variety of ways, through for instance, the use of Roman numerals, the depiction of twin cats, and blazing skulls.

Also common is the depiction of wolves from ancient Remus and Romulus mythologies. Roman numerals such as II often form the base for simpler designs. Important also to note is that Castor, the head of the right twin, and Pollux, the head of the left, are the two most important stars of the Gemini and hence get real prominence in Gemini tattoo symbolism.

For many people, the favoured location for the Gemini constellation tattoo is the arm or leg, with black ink the favoured coloring. Other favourites include the lower-back and stomach. Courtney Fox of Friends spots a white Gemini tattoo on her stomach.

Gemini tattoo designs vary greatly. Some designs are simple and small while others are large and elaborate. The basic theme can always be mixed with your personal images or lettering.

Before you head off to the tattoo parlour for a tattoo, you should first decide:

1) The size you want the tattoo to be.

2) What part of the body you want the tattoo placed.

3) The pedigree of the tattoo artist you are visting. You want the procedure done by a professional artist with a good reputation, in order to avoid mistakes, and discomfort during the procedure.

Gemini tattoos are suited for the expression of characteristics associated with this astrological sign - speed, communication, inventiveness, travel, curiosity and dynamism. As you seek your Gemini tattoo, rest in the knowledge you are in perfect company.

Egyptian Tattoos - Amazing

If you want to have some amazing body art then Egyptian tattoos would be a great way to go. Did you know that the Egyptians are responsible for introducing tattoos as a form of body art to South East Asia by 2000BC and there were many reasons to have a tattoo such as; religious purposes, medical, replacement of an amulet and a sign of status. I am going to go over some common styles that are present in Egyptian tattoos so it is easier to understand what would suit you best.

Egyptian Symbol Tattoos

There are many different symbols from ancient Egypt and they have very different meanings. There are some common ones that you see on tattoos and they are:

- The "Eye of Horus", which is the easiest to recognise. This symbol represents healing and protection but was also used as a measurement instrument because it has 6 different pieces.

- The Ankh is another very common Egyptian tattoo and symbol that can be seen on the chest, shoulders, wrists and ankles. It is the symbol of eternal life and there are many theories behind other meanings as well.

- The Winged Solar Disk can be seen across the shoulder blades very often. This represents the form Horus takes when he goes to battle.

There are many different symbols but these are the ones you will mostly see in tattoo form.

Egyptian God Tattoos

Again there where so many gods in ancient Egypt but only a few that pop up in tattoos. I will list them for you here:

- Anubis (head of a jackal) is the most popular god tattoo that you will find and he will usually be holding an ankh. He was the one who would weigh your heart to determine whether you were allowed to the netherworld.

- The next popular would be Horus who is a man with a hawks head. Horus was the king of Egypt and it was his magical eye that has become the most recognised symbol the Egyptian eye or the "Eye of Horus".

- Seth would be the final god that is popular as a tattoo. He represents the dessert, storm and violence. His nature was that of aggression against his enemies but loyalty to the sun god Ra.

Egyptian Hieroglyphics Tattoos

These round out the common Egyptian tattoos worn today and they do look very awesome. The Egyptians had pictorial and alphabet hieroglyphs that would be written in columns and rows. The hieroglyphics can be a combination of symbols and pictures but make sure that if you want to translate English to Hieroglyphs you use a reliable source. These tattoos generally can be seen on the ankles, wrists, spine and arms but you can put the tattoo wherever it looks good.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Arm Tattoos For Men - Tribal, Armband, Skull and More Tattoo Design Tips

The arm tattoos for men seem to be an expression of our tough and rough side. For us guys, we would love to think that the ladies find it sexy and charming. As you may have noticed, the tats in the arms are easily seen as compared to other body parts. You can find a lot of men with body arts on their upper arm and arm sleeves. The designs also vary like tribal, skulls, and many others.

Arm tats are timeless and even though a lot of men are into back and chest tattoos, arm bands are always trendy. Whether you have a conservative or rebellious personality, this is a great addition to your physical features. Here are great design tips for your arm tattoos:

1. Flames
2. Fire-breathing dragons
3. Tribal designs
4. Skulls
5. Scorpions

More and more people are now willing to experiment on tats. Getting a tattoo is really easy. If you want, you can use the internet to locate body art shops in your area. Find a safe and reputed body ink artist in your area. The artist can provide you with great tips on the right designs. Always consider your personality when choosing the appropriate design. If you're funky or sporty, you can experiment on the most suitable body inks.

Price is another consideration when getting a tat. The quality body ink artists usually charge a reasonable price and this will depend on the area where you want the tat to be. For the arm tattoos for men, the charge is usually lower as compared to the chest or back tats. You can shop around for the best deals but here's a tip - never sacrifice quality with a low price.

The designs mentioned earlier as only some of the most poplar. There are still many other designs in the market that you can choose from like angels, heart, fairy, dolphin, nautical star, tiger, koi fish, and many others.

Men should spend some time in looking for the perfect arm tat that will suit their personality. Thanks to the internet, looking for the perfect body art is really easy. Conduct your search online by using any of the major search engines to find the arm tattoos for men. There are many websites on body arts that you can visit. This is your chance to find the best arm tattoos in the market. Go ahead and find a reputed body artist. If you can find one in your local area the better since you don't have to go someplace else.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Beauty of Flower Tribal Tattoos

If you go back in history, you will have the evidences that points out to the long time existence of tattoos. The first evidence was discovered in Egypt. There is a strong belief that the trends had utilized by many ancient tribal people around the globe.

The tattoo body art was the stigma of strength, vitality and status in the name of beauty. There are some tribal casts who use tattoo to ward off evil spirit and they think it can cure diseases. The tribal soldier uses it to symbolizing their great courage and mighty strength.

Tribal tattoo designers make the design of flower, animal and religious symbols and tribal flower tattoos are great variation of art and it is being greatly used by worldwide tattoo lovers.

Tribal flower tattoos are one type of ancient tattoo that can make you feel the essence of great cultural heritage. There is huge number of people are recognizing the value of the its body art. The bold strokes and curve designs are the combination of beauty and strength but now it is blended with fashion factor. The unique shapes and colors of tribal flower tattoos can really make you one from others tattoos fan. Normally the basic idea of imprinting it is done on one arm or on the back. These types of tattoos are really sophisticated and traditional. Creativity is the perfect word which is intimated with the tribal flower tattoo.

In recent days tribal tattoos are executed and incorporated in different ways. Stark, black, arching lines and mirror-image patterns are the typical tribal tattoo patterns. Flowers are the most popular designs of it. Flower has become very popular and off course it is highly fashionable. There are lots of flower tribal tattoo designs and you can easily choose the perfect one for you.

You can search your favorite flower tattoo design in internet because there are lots of websites of tattoo makers and most of them provides their works portfolio on their website so you can easily select the best design. Rose, Lotus, Hibiscus, Daisy and Lily are the different types of flower tattoos. The artists have been paid special attention to the flower tribal tattoo so that then a normal shape of rose can be changed into different shapes and designs. No matter if you have a large flower tattoo on your back or small one on your feet but the only matter is how you are carrying this style.

Before going to tattooing your body it's very important to decide which type of design you want and if you have no particular design in your mind then it can take a bit of time. Drawing a customized tattoo can take a bit more time than other impression tattoos but these really look cool and it can give a great boost to your status. Unique tribal flower tattoo designs are very well known specially these design which wrap around your arms or back.